Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes,
How do you measure, measure a year?
- Rent: Seasons of Love
His mommy and daddy are amazing. His sister is heroic.
They all have something miraculous to celebrate. (Praise God!)
But this is not about them. This blog post is all about HIS celebration! Happy first birthday, G!!
Let me tell you, this is an awesome little guy! It was such a joy to spend the morning with him, capturing some of his cute personality on "film" to document his first birthday. I am so in love with the way he toddles, his gorgeous brown eyes, and that infectious huge grin he always seems to be wearing.
It was such a treat to have the opportunity to take his one-year portraits! I hope you enjoy the Sneak Peek!